When Netbeans 7.x.x starts, it uses system locale settings to decide which language should to be used. Unfortunately we have no ability to change it via GUI settings. There is only way to change default_options in <Netbeasns install dir>/etc/openesb.conf. Internet has a lot of pages which describe it, but most of them provide solution to append at the end of default_options next option: "--locale EN_us". At first glance it works well but in some cases, as example when you'll try to configure connection to the Oracle database, you'll get the connection error message: "Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle:1521:ESBDB using oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (Locale not recognized)". It happens when user has Russian system locale settings.

You should use " -J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.region=US" instead of "--locale EN_us".

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. go to <Netbeans 7.x.x installation dir>/etc
  2. open the openesb.conf file for write
  3. find the line which define jvm start options for netbeans (It starts with default_options)
  4. append to the end of line next parameters " -J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.region=US"
  5. Enjoy !)


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