Netbeans is providing support for JBoss AS 7 integration since version 7.3.1

Please have a look to release information


The main goal of this page is to discuss about the integration of the OpenESB over JBoss AS 7 in Netbeans.


An implementation of the Netbeans module is already available at

According to the latest changes in the Netbeans repository, support for JBoss 7.x is done in the same module than the previous version (4.x / 5.x / 6.x).

It may be a good news for us since it implies that the efforts done for JBoss 5.x can be considered to evolve to Jboss 7.x.

Implementation Steps

Moving to Netbeans 7.3.1

Current development version of OpenESB-IDE is done using Netbeans 7.3. What we have to do :

Providing better implementation of the Netbeans module