Starting OpenESB as a service with systemd

The following is a sample for OpenESB service with systemd. We assume that

  • The service is called openesb

  • The path to OpenESB is /opt/openesb-3.1.2/OE-Instance

  • The path to the JDK is /etc/alternatives/jre

Please modify all the above as appropriate. First let’s create the service by typing the following command

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/openesb.service

The content of the file should be as follow

[Unit] Description=OpenESB Standalone Service httpd.service [Service] Type=simple User=openesb LimitNOFILE=65536 Environment=JAVA_HOME=/etc/alternatives/jre ExecStart=/opt/openesb-3.1.2/OE-Instance/bin/ ExecStop=/opt/openesb-3.1.2/OE-Instance/bin/ stop [Install]

To start OpenESB type the following

sudo systemctl start openesb

Once you assert it is working type you can stop it if needs be by typing the followinf

To enable it after it after reboot