Camel SE - Requirements

Camel SE - Requirements

Target release
Document statusDRAFT
Document owner

Vishnuvardhan Piskala



  • To provide Apache Camel support within OpenESB

Background and strategic fit

Implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns using OpenESB is currently done using only BPEL SE. BPEL SE is considered heavy and has performance impact for simple EIP patterns like routing, mediation, etc. We need to have a simpler and lighter way of implementing EIPs. We considered Apache Camel can serve the purpose and it is widely used. By utilizing apache camel support in OpenESB we will be able to utilize the benefits from both the worlds.



#User Story TitleUser Story DescriptionPriorityNotes
1Ability to run camel applications on OpenESB without using JBI endpoints
2Receive messages from JBI endpoint to camel   
3Send messages from camel to JBI endpoints   
4Send reply messages to JBI endpoints   
5Receive reply messages from JBI endpoints   
6Support for other DSLs than Java DSL?   
7Ability to add external libraries after service engine installation   
8Wizard for developing InOut Camel endpoints  Currently the wizard supports InOnly endpoints
9UI support or desining camel routing.  Can we utilize any existing netbeans camel modules for this?

User interaction and design


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Not Doing