Building - Todos

Building - Todos

For Maven 3,0,5 and JDK 1,7 see Maven 3.0.5 for openseb-component + JDK 1.7


This page list the actions we have to do to ease JBI components development.

The tasks listed below do not follow any priority order.

The current build is based on Maven 2.0.x and 2.2.x


  • Convention over configuration

    • source code in src/main/resources
    • build results in target (removing bld directory !!!)
  • Maven 3.x compatibility

    • Removing legacy repository (java.net.1)
    • Resolving WARNING issue
  • Removing JV_SRCROOT environment variable (just use to get back version.properties)

  • Removing the need to declare maven.repo.local to get a successful build

  • Checking that all artifacts during the build are present in the community Nexus repository

  • Upgrading Maven plugins version

  • Add MacOS profile activation for java.home tools.jar reference

What's next ?

Create a migration branch under openesb-components repository and set up a build on Jenkins